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Exhibition Tour:
Domestic Drama


The video is available in English.

Domestic Drama (14.12.2021 — 20.2.2022)
​Larry Achiampong, Ayo Akingbade, Aram Bartholl, Camille Blatrix, Oscar Enberg, Vera Frenkel, Nigel Gavus & İlkin Beste Çırak, Antony Gormley, Mona Hatoum, Kaarel Kurismaa, Nicola L., Bertrand Lavier, Olu Ogunnaike, Laura Põld, Bruno Zhu

Cathrin Mayer

Cathrin Mayer

Greg Bond

Camera & Sound:
kun​st​-doku​men​ta​tion​.com, Manuel Carreon Lopez

Kevin Ferdinandus

More contributions

Gender and Humor 
Mario Huber 

Gender and Humor – a complicated field of stereotypes, clichés and exaggerations that we will try to master. A lecture based on the title of the exhibition, with some exclamation marks, but most of all many many question marks.

Mario Huber